Pro-Sky Maryborough is located at the Maryborough Aero Club, Saltwatercreek Road Maryborough.
Maryborough is ideally located on the picturesque Mary River, just a short flight to Hervey Bay, Fraser Island and the spectacular waterways of Great Sandy Strait.  The magnificent scenery of this area makes for a truly memorable flying experience.

Pro-Sky Maryborough offers instruction
catering to all needs. This includes

Trial Instructional Flights
Courses to RAA Certification
Biennial Flight Reviews
Passenger Endorsements
X-country Endorsements
Conversion to type

Private Hire Aircraft
IBIS Magic GS700
The Magic GS700 is the primary trainer used at the Maryborough School. It is an easy-to-fly airplane, stable and forgiving the kind of airplane that simply wants to be flown.

This aircraft is available for private hire

Contact Details
For more information
click to
visit the Pro-Sky
Maryborough website

Pro-Sky Maryborough Web Site

Russell Middleton
0439 867131

Copyright © 2014 Pro-Sky Flight Training Group